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NewGene can help students become familiar with the types of large-N data used to study international politics, especially international security. It can also introduce students to the types of research questions scholars must ask and answer when crafting a dataset: what is my unit of analysis? Which variables are relevant for my theory?  How are the variables constructed?


Here is what to do:


Step 1: Download NewGene Here (for Windows) and Here (for Mac)


Step 2: Download one of the available packages (see below).


Step 3: Follow this video or read these instructions to load the Data Package into NewGene.


Then you and your students are ready to start creating datasets! Watch this video for an example of using NewGene to create a basic triadic dataset


Package 1: Basic Country-Level Interstate Violence Data Package (1.0)


This package can be used, for example, to study the monadic "Democratic Peace".  It contains version 5.0 of the MID data, version 5.0 of the COW National Capabilities Data, Polity V 2018 data, version 10.0 of VDEM, the 2016 list of COW major powers, and version 4.0 of the COW Interstate War Data (links to webpages with codebooks for the respective datasets).


Here is a sample of what a Country-Year observation looks like from one of the included datasets.






Package 2: Basic Dyad-Level Interstate Violence Data Package (1.0) 


This package can be used, for example, to study the dyadic "Democratic Peace".  It contains version 5.0 of the MID data, version 5.0 of the COW National Capabilities Data, Polity V 2018 data, version 10.0 of VDEM, the 2016 list of COW major powers, and version 4.0 of the COW Interstate War Data (links to webpages with codebooks for the respective datasets).


Here is a sample of what a Dyad-Year observation looks like from one of the included datasets.





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